A fit guy that makes you feel loved an special then all of a sudden with no explanation reads your messages and doesn't reply like you've done something wrong and make you wanna cry coz he turned out to be the arsehole you dint expect him to be
Answer me you ignorant arsehole
God your ignorant
Teacher: Donald Trump is the president of America. Bob, who is Donald Trump?
Bob: I don't know.
Teacher: Why are you so ignorant?
A person or persons who actively ignore knowledge, even if it is handed to them on a silver platter.
A person in school is ignorant to the knowledge his teacher is teaching if he is purposely not listening.
Being extremely inconsiderate. Behaving like a dickhead or asshole. See Omar
Damn, Omar has been so ignorant lately
Failure or refusal to see the truth of your surroundings.
Living in your own world to escape reality. Failure to know what is happening in the real world.
Tammy: I don't want to hurt him but just show him I have feelings
Jed: Your so Ignorant that you don't see that you are hurting him.
someone that is ignorant is someone that talks about stuff they dont know about and acts like they do
Person 1, caffeine should be illegal, its a psychoactive drug,
me, do you even know what psychoactive means
person 1, it means it makes you act psychotic
me, just look it up
person 1, i already know what it means
me, no you don't
person 1, my 1st grade teachers tough me how to break up a word to figure out what it means you idiot
me, *feeds them a knuckle sandwich*
me, you ignorant pice of...