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Jesse James

Jesse James was an outlaw man, he was always breakin the law, 6 guns fired from both his hands, fastest you ever saw.

Jesse James Song by Trick Pony

by whiskeygirl17 January 22, 2009

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jess conte

A beautiful, gorgeous YouTuber that is from Australia. She currently lives in LA with her husband Gabriel Conte, whom she married in December 2016. She has a beautiful singing voice and beautiful blue eyes.

Who's YouTube video are you watching?
It's Jess Conte's, she's so amazing.

by cuddling-marais December 10, 2017

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Jesse Duncan

1. To state the truth while others' impressions of the statement believe something completely different.

2. To convince someone that the truth is exagerated without actually exagerating it.

3. To piss someone off by talking and not understanding how.

John: "I just won the lottery!"
Bob: "Really, that's awesome, can I borrow some money?"
John: "No. I only won seventeen dollars."
Bob: "John, you just Jesse Duncan(ed) me!"

by OMN I POTENT June 10, 2009

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The Jesse Factor

A right-wing blog run by Jesse and John, two psychopaths with a bizarre love for the Bush administration and complete, cess-ridden hatred for the left. One of the main draws of the site is the fact that Jesse is 15 years old and has parents that seemingly don't mind their son publishing slanderous and outright threatening tirades on the internet. His age definitely shines through as his articles are usually rife with spelling and grammar errors while typically sporting an extremely juvenile and immature tone about them.

The Jesee Factor usually features baseless and extremely vulgar attacks against liberals and Democrats that often fall apart once further analyzed. In one memorable entry, John claimed that there is much more oil in Alaska than there is in Iraq and as such, oil could not have been among the reasons to spark that particular conflict. A quick visit to the Energy Information Administration website, a branch of the US Department of Energy, proved him to be almost pitifully wrong. Not only that, the number he used to describe the amount of oil in Alaska (16 billion barrels) is the most optimistic one available, frequently contradicted by many experts, and a number often cited by a pro-drilling Alaskan senator alone.

They often do not include sources for their most controversial and damning assertions (stating that the Kerry family bought $500,000 in Halliburton stock, for instance) and usually resort to ad hominem attacks along with homophobic slurs to take up space in their rants. The writing often resembles that of a third-tier Maddox ripoff rather than the biting social and political commentary they were no doubt aiming for.

The Jesse Factor is more or less an extremely annoying variant of what is becoming a run-of-the mill internet presence: crazy assholes who think they know everything publishing their half-coherent drivel for everyone to see.

"I heard that Jesse of the Jesse Factor is a Libertarian. Well excuse me all to hell for being a Democrat, looks like this kid sides with the real winners."

by Squid Wrangler March 21, 2005

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Jesse Christ

The alternative to Jesus Christ. If Jesus was here now, his name would most likely be Jesse. Why? Because mainly the Mexican community uses the name Jesus. Pronounced (Hey-Zues).

Josh: Whoa! did you see Jesse?
Eric: Who?
Josh: You know, Jesse Christ.. >.>
Eric: Oh Ya!!

by iLOLatFAILS April 21, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Messy Jesse

When your fucking a chick in the ass and it packs too much air into her anatomical colo-capacity causing an atmospheric vacuum outside the stink rocket. Subsequently upon pulling out, the back pressure evacuates her larges intestine's contents and ends up atomized over half your bedroom.

"Dooooood, you landed the hott ass chick you were talking to at the party last night?"
"yeah man!"
"Fuck yeah bro, she was hot as fuck!"
"Hell yeah but i dont have the cash for all the fuckin' dry cleaning."
"Wait.. Why, was she on her on her period?"
"Nahhh, it was a being defined as the messy Jesse dude.. i gotta replace my carpet."

by bottomoftheshaftlova October 11, 2019

Jesse and Carlos

two dumbasses with big hearts and no brains despite the fact that some of us rather enjoy the company of these athletic men with abs carved of gold and shoulder blades made of marble. they are pure gods whom you would be blessed with being in the presence of. imagine the sexual encounters you could enjoy with the two of men. the raw tension. imagine being in a secluded cabin with us for a month. no wifi, no tv. just us steaming in the hot sexual atmosphere. amazing.

"hey are those Jesse and Carlos?"
"no, they're just dumbasses"
"what's the difference?"

by p0lar March 24, 2019