Source Code

All the F’s

Friends fucking fast for free,
Frogs from Frank’s farmhouse fall four feet,
Friends from France fix fancy front facing fences,
Fred falling frantically far from faith’s face,
Far from Fiona’s funny farm,
Foxes flee forewords, flacidly fucking fish from franks fig forest,
Fried fish flip flop from fluffy flagmen,
Freaky fridays form feathery fairies from fellow fat feminists,
Families fly from Finland, falling flirtatiously flustered,
Fondling fourteen friends from flag filled freeways,
Franklin freshens fermented fruit from factories,

George: “do you ever feel like releasing all your anger into a poem?”
Kyler: “yeah, sometimes. Have you heard of all the f’s?”
George: “isn’t that like a theme song to ten things I hate about you?”
Kyler: “no, don’t be stupid. It’s a type of poem where you only use words starting with ‘f’. Not even the words ‘it’, ‘the’ or ‘and’”
George: “ohhhh, okay I’ll go do that”
Kyler: “yeah, put all that sad boi to good use”

by ermagerddddddd September 9, 2019

All Walter

Australian slang Created in the suburb of murwillumbah. Saying something is Walter, or all Walter means Something is all alright or ok. ( Walter white ) = (white) = (right)

“It’ll be Walter”

Charlie is a cop anyway so if we get pinched “it’s all Walter

“She said I seemed sad, but I’m Walter”.

by Donrad January 8, 2020

All Nut

A man who constantly shows off his expensive things, but in reality it's all credit card debt - like showing off a big bulge that is all nut and no dick.

Wow, did you see Jimmy's just bought a new Tesla?

Haha, Jimmy's all nut man.

by All Nut Man October 18, 2022

All Brim

“All Brim” - Is a phrase used in opposition to the slang phrase “cap”, All Brim is similar in the phrase “no cap”, however All Brim signifies as if there isn’t a cap at all. In fact All Brim references to the brim of a cap or outer rim of a hat not the hat itself, meaning that there is no lies or false truth being told.

Jake: Dude I just got the new PlayStation!
Daniel: nah, no way that’s cap.
Jake: all brim bro, all brim.

by PradaBoyGeneral March 10, 2023

It's all hats

An expression used to indicate:

1. a. when named positions of authority are really just nominal roles

b. extends to other positions

2. a. when several differently named positions of authority have no real distinction

b. extends to other positions

President, honorary secretary, captain, it's all hats

by Bilenium May 10, 2008

all over it

1a) To be in the state of having something completely under control

1b) To be very actively in the process of completing a task

2) To be very interested in something, typically an activity or person.

1a) "You been keepin' tabs on the wordmack/word down the street?"
"Yeah, 'm all over it"

"Hey Tobey, you got that DVD ripped for me yet?"
"Naw, but I'm all over it"

"So dude, you interested in snubbin' crackwhores again this weekend?"
"Hell yeah, I'm all over it!"

by The Rabid Definer July 24, 2003

All of the money

A greek phrase for a good situation.

Mary's shoes are all of the money!

by tbomb12345 June 18, 2018