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NEW bad ass!

I don't have to be totally mean. I can be joyous. I mean, I'm Joel, the Neo-BA!

by AMFM March 30, 2011


when bitches think they loyal but are complete players

eric: yo that girl broke my heart cuhhzz😭
me: i’m telling you BAS!!!

by daddyalx December 9, 2019


bas - a word Jamaicans use instead ob the word "bro"

yo bas u good?

by qu1nt4 July 27, 2022


boys ain't shit

He cheated on her again, bas.

by ohokbye January 31, 2022


gay men

bas is in de gay bar

by Biggest Yes February 27, 2023


Bas is a amazingly talented person, that always works really hard for his dreams and no one could stop him. Bas is also a very good friend, funny, smart and always very nice. Bas is a very musical person, he loves music. Bas is very sociale, but can also be very shy. And last but not least, Bas is very hot!

I like everything about him, he is so Bas!

by Kopje koffie November 23, 2021


A person who smells like diapers

The room smelt full of basses.

by James McQueen November 17, 2019