Ruger .380 Gun shooting killing
I’m going to pop you with my Blippity Bop
usually someone with a big head and a flat booty and long ass legs. has big eyes and generally looks like an owl. sometimes goes ghetto but can be professional when needed #thuglife.
damn that ghetto ass haley bop is at it again with her shenanigans.
A dog that might be seemingly dumb, but tends to play it’s owners. Has narcolepsy and identifies as gender neutral. Common fears of a Billy Bop are keys, ballons, shadows, road signs, a bag blowing through the yard, stuffed pandas, and anything slightly out of the ordinary. Likes: ducks, Mr. Noodle, balls as hats, triple diarrhea, Dad, and the hose. If you come in contact with a rare Billy Bop, you must immediately seek shelter and report Billy Bop to the authorities.
Just saw a dog run straight into the wall, must be a billy bop! Should I call the authorities?
To grab someone by the hair and repeatedly slam their head into a billboard.
If you don't shut up, I swear I'll Billboard Bop you unconscious!
to strike someone to injure or to embarrasse them
Yo A.I. just got doogey-boped in the domepiece
The Nephew Bop is a "dance" popularized by Samm which consists in acting like paramedics are performing CPR on your ass (Zings nephew went out cause of cardiac arrest).
Zings Baljeet the third of Timbuktu, which nephew got spawn killed (not even after 3 months of life) in a hospital bed is now on the verge of pulling a "zings sister".
(Note: Zings sister unalived herself after the "loss" of her son)
what you think bout zings getting exposed for watching hentai? nephew nephew boppin punching my hips.
describes a song that is subtly exquisite; the beats combine in such an unexpected or underrated way that the song is wonderful while at the same time not trying too hard; the type of song that you would not publicize liking but then find yourself singing in the shower every night
Aidan: yo this song kinda slaps.
Abbie: yeah it's lowkey a bop.
Andrew: what is going on?