An amazing person with a great personality. Is shy at first but once you get to know her is a very loud and outgoing person. Loves playing sports and hanging out with friends. Very smart and loves to joke around. She loves to act and sing but gets stage fright. In general an amazing person too be around and will always be there for you no matter what.
Troy: this girl is drop dead gorgeous
Me: ya I know that’s brianna Nicole Owens
Troy: I gotta know her so we can be friends
Brianna is a girl that is very passionate with everything she does. Many guys love her and she is very attractive. She is very shy around people she doesn't know well but shes crazy with her best of friends. Shes very weird or goofy and can be annoying but that's part of the package shes lovable but weird in the same package.
Eli: Dont you just love Brianna Eaton
Dannie: Ya shes pretty cool
Staisy: ya shes the best friend ever
A girl who has a cute little booty and is always so nice and funny. she tends to be awkward at first but after a while she tends to be very outgoing. She stressed about the littlest things and the simplest things but always knows how to make up for it. she's creative intelligent and loves coffee. She has bad ass mood swings and gets pissed at at everything but be so nice cause she feels bad about being pissed. Get your ass a brianna backo
steve: hey look at brianna backo
joe: she's so cute
steve: she always is
Brianna ordaz is myles bestie 4 life and is very nice and kind and smart somedays
myles: did u see brianna ordaz
alexis:yeah she is super smart
A judge just ruled that it wasn't the cops fault they shot her... It was the boyfriend's fault for shooting at what he thought was a home invasion.
Hym "Wooooow! You hear that Brianna Taylor ruling? The charges were brought down to a misdemeanor for the cops and the judge ruled that the fact the the cops had a bad warrant was not the reason she died. That is wild!"
she is the most beautiful, gorgeous girl you will ever see. you can get lost in her eyes in seconds, and every moment with her is amazing. she is also so kind and sweet and has a perfect personality. she is every guys dream girl and you would be lucky to have a girl like her.
See that girl, she could never be like brianna mitchell.