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The California Academy of Math and Science, Home to The One and Only Dr. Fiedler and her famous catch phrase "cool™."

X: You Know cool™ vcomes from CAMS right?
Y: Well Yeah, Its only the duh of science.

by handyman-677 September 29, 2018



hey, have you seen cam's new twt?
- yes, such an emo...

by melidia October 8, 2021


Recovering from a series of dumbing by sexing a 10/10 in your first date.

Man i feel so down, i gotta get up and be a CAM

by dangerous66 September 12, 2021


To flake on a social invite and/or commitment.

Bro, I invited Jebediah to the milking and he said he was coming but he Cam'd and never showed up.

by Mergio Soreno April 4, 2022


cams are funny, dumb, hyper, and sweet. cams will help you with how you're feeling, help you with a test, with anything. cams are very hyper; give one chocolate or candy, and they'll be bouncing off the walls and running at you. they're kinda dumb too- they'd probably try to put a square block in a circle hole. but still!! love cams, because they make great friends.

person 1: who's that funny, dumb, hyper person?
person 2: oh, that's my friend cam.
person 1: wow, lucky.

by December 11, 2020


a cam is an amazing person. if you know one, hold onto them, they'll keep you happy and safe. cams are energetic, kinda dumb, cool, and mainly a nerd. they're also sweet, and care about how you feel. they'll make you amazing gifts (as they're creative), be sure to keep it. cams are awesome, and super hyper and very weird (but in a good way). cams are incredible!! make sure to have at least 1 cam in your life :D

person 1: wow, who is that funny person?
person 2: oh, that's just cam.

by December 11, 2020


Has acne. That’s it.


by Zinnie hacker May 26, 2022