Chase Locke is the discord moniker (And among fans and friends, the loving pet name) of Judah Haley, which is the fake white-person stage-name for chronically online, self-hating Jew turned "Practicing Jew", Zionist, and Texas Musician, Judah F.
Judah is a pretty decent teen musician, with all sorts of esoteric influences he probably got from 4chan, including but not limited to Neutral Milk Hotel, the Smiths, and Weezer (But only the first two albums, 3 if you include Songs from the Black Hole). Judah's rich Jewish parents are trying to pay his way to fame by hooking him up with ex-Weezer guitarist Jason Cropper and Goldfinger drummer Darrin Pfeiffer to make hyperbolic but slightly-above-mid poppy grunge-ish music with an aesthetic of 'safe edgy child novelty musician with an anti social media message'. All of this is managed by some Paramount-affiliated music manager named Will L. who used to make bad R&B and later paid Snoop Dogg to rap with his wife.
Judah is better known among friends and his cult following for pretending to be his imaginary girlfriend on discord, pretending to be a femboy, lying about being groomed at his all-boys school, thinking Among Us and Ambatukan are funny in late 2023, deleting discord accounts because he thinks the feds and his friends are trying to get him/cancel him, hating Jews and then suddenly loving them and getting extremely offended and red in the face after his friends made ironic and mild jokes about them.
P: Bro... Chase just released a new music video for his song based on Fargo, there's this one scene with strobe lights where it looks like he's jerking off the mic and grimacing... you'd have to see it to believe it.
E: Chase?
P: You know, Chase Locke, as in... Judah Haley?
E: Ohhhh, I gochu.
A hot upperclassmen
Who is a famous rapper
2 percent Puerto Rican
The only religion that makes you fuck every girl in the world.
Among the various contraindications there is the possibility of becoming ChaseSexual
Joe: "look, that boy is a galactic hottie and he listens to Chase Atlantic"
Donald: "He's too well dressed, he'll surely be a ChaseSexual"
Chasing a chicken shit guy or girl instead of the money.
He was chasing the pussy through the woods until the pussy found and picked up a big stick and hit him with it from behind a tree, knocking loose a few teeth. He should've chased the paper instead.
a powerful tiktok boy that has the best style who doesn’t give a f*ck about what other people tells him and has the sweetest heart in the whole world. And he has the huddygang in his side 4ever
Chase hudson has the better style
Someone who dates a girl for 2 months and does nothing except give her pet names and awkward hugs.
Lucas:Man Chase Vann has been dating Athena for 2 months and hasn't done a fucking thing
David:I know what a faggot