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colin horan

the best guy out there. he can make any girl feel better with just his words. he is so nice and has a great personality

I love that guy so much, he is such a colin horan

by c.42069 April 25, 2017

Colin and Kobi

Twin flames. A love between both continues through lifetimes. No dagger nor flame will ever stop them from crossing paths in any life. His heart burns. Her heart burns but neither will be able to see it. Two souls more made for each other never shall there be but between her Colin and his Kobi.

Years shall pass and yet like shards of glass once they have fallen they splinter again and again. Reflecting on memories and experiences that could have withheld the test of time.

Her love for him will never fade. Not ever.

Once they come together, never will they part. She will love him with all his faults and he will love her with all her scars. In each lifetime.

No other flames burn as bright as Colin and Kobi.

Even though Colin and Kobi have known each other since high school, they’ve loved each other for lifetimes.

by Lovematchmiss January 31, 2023

Colin NG

The charming, handsome, strong, smartest, best swimmer.

Colin NG is the best

by mars-alien October 6, 2022

Colin NG

The charming, the handsome, the smart, clever, friendly, genius, cute, good-looking.

Colin NG is handsome!

by mars-alien October 5, 2022

Colin Albert

Very sexy and makes lots of children with all people.

Colin Albert just impregnated me

by Bbc man69 January 22, 2022

Colin albert

I like to kill people BANG! BANG!

Colin albert Yo advantage bois pull up BANG BANG

by Colin albert November 25, 2023

phil colins

To grab someones neck with one hand while simultaneously forcing the fist of the other hand in to thier anus.

He hasn't been able to walk straight since i gave him that Phil Colins!

by Mufflon July 10, 2014