The type of man to spend hard earned vacation money on a carnival cruise. Usually aged in their mid thirties, born in the American South, and fond of margaritas. Cruise guys are often times racist and competitive amongst their inner circle, but timid around strangers.
Man, you really strike me as a cruise guy.
While driving, a male will remove one shoe, then sock, and then put the shoe back on the bare foot but placing the sock on his genitals to masturbate cleanly and discretely.
While being stuck in LA traffic, John decided to have a one sock, two shoes cruise to help pass the time.
When you are denied to board the groove cruise
I was Sharooz Cruise on the groove cruise so I bought another Tesla
Similar to meat riding except for women
"You're coochie cruising kim K"
A place where if you put your keys, you receive a fun surprise for the rest of the trip!
Dan couldn't wait to put his keys in the Cruise Ship Fishbowl. It had been weeks since he had had any type of excitement.
Ridin' through Old Jamestown in North County Saint Louis, usually smoking marijuana. Many of the young locals participate in this activity, a pastime of NoCo.
"Yo, dude! Dealer just came through, let's go cruise OJ!"
The feeling of enjoyment you get from watching a Tom Cruise movie. Even though you’d rather shit in your hands and clap, than openly admit you enjoyed it.
“Oh man, the edge of tomorrow was a great film, here comes cruise guilt”