Source Code

Double Digit

Once a girl ass has reached size 10 or higher.

Do you have that in FAT for my double digit super sized ass?

by mweb May 24, 2006

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Digital Rape

When a whore accuses a man for rape because he simply watched a public porn video of her online without consent.

Guy: Yo I busted a huge load to this bitch on pornhub the other day
Guy 2: You better be careful. With feminism taking over bitches can now accuse you of Digital Rape for watching a porn video of them without consent.
Guy: WTF? How is it rape if i'm watching them from the other side of the fucking world?

by Killmizi August 14, 2019

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digital sinner

I homotacular fag.

Man, the other day, I saw digital sinner buttfucking a hobo.

by guy October 17, 2003

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Digital Corruption

Anarchist/Hacktivist hackers under the title Digital Corruption have breached the security of multiple high-profile websites; including The Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Navy, NASA, HostGator, and AT&T.

One must wonder exactly HOW secure our nation's government can be, after seeing such malicious attacks.

It is also claimed that Digital Corruption is more popular than TeaMp0isoN.

I heard Digital Corruption is more spread around and heard than TeaMp0isoN!

by W1LD June 23, 2012

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Digital Coma

The state of being completely oblivious to anything or anyone around you while Facebooking, texting or other digital activities.

Babe, you can get off your knees I came like a half an hour ago. Oh Christ your in a Facebook digital coma aren't you!

by PreMedB May 2, 2011

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digital pissing

when one accesses any site, they leave a digital imprint of being there and their activity on that site. refers to marking territory the way dogs do

he kept visiting porn sites not realizing he was digital pissing

by frisco stories December 12, 2008

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digital demise

Once was an Unreal Tournament 2004 clan. Died due to the excessive drama. Most members switched to the clan LCD(Leading Cause of Death). Better known as Digital Drama. See drama.

ELeMeNT: ill get one soon just stfu im out bye
j00rBuDdy: nOoooOoOOoOooOOo element dont leave i love you!
fool: omg dd is such a fucking joke we fucking suck we should just fucking quit
Lethal: hey guys i just beat this ex kaizen* guy 30-3**

*really a guy from the clan 187
**the real score was 12-10

by ELeMeNT November 21, 2004

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