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Big Dookie

Large shaped human being who does the most ,and often attempts to make people laugh but is not funny.

Look at him big dookie tryna be funny you are a nerd dude.

by Joe Beansness December 22, 2017

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Corn Dookie

The mysterious and somewhat magical phenomenon in which one's dookie will contain corn, despite one's diet.

Also used to describe an unexpected and usually unfortunate situation.

See: Corn in Poop

Ex. 1: "Dude! Come look at this deuce! I haven't had corn in weeks!"

Ex. 2: "That cop pulled me over for a tail light but saw the roach in the ash tray. It was total corn dookie."

by EvilBloodGnome February 9, 2008

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Dropping a Dookie

To pull ones pants down and spread his or her but cheeks apart, then aim your asshole to someone's open mouth and excrete into their mouth.

Colby was dropping a dookie on Joe last night.

by CFIMP September 14, 2013

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Dookie Bootie

A man with a disproportionately big ass.

Wow, he must play baseball as he has a dookie bootie.

by Bethany February 27, 2003

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Dookie Strap

the butt crack

If you don't keep your dookie strap clean, you may end up with skid marks.

by stonedfool May 15, 2009

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dooky patrol

To pick up dog shit in the back yard.

Kayla and Ericka, make sure you conduct a dooky patrol before grandma and grampa come over.

by Kayla & Ericka May 16, 2007

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dooky patrol

To pick up dog shit in the back yard.

Kayla and Ericka, make sure you conduct a dooky patrol before grandma and grampa come over.

by Kayla&Ericka May 16, 2007

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