To take a dump into an unsuspecting persons clothes dresser drawer.
My aunt Georgia got attacked by the Dresser Dragon.
As your female partner reaches the edge of euphoria as you paint the final strokes of your oral Van Gogh, take a deep breath through the nose. Has to be through the nose because you are obviously still working. Then blow the air out your nose so hard that your nose hairs tickle the clit. This will take her orgasm into another dimension.
Performing dragons breath as a finishing move is a sure fire way of guaranteeing future sex.
When fucking a girl in the butt, you take your fingernails and scratch her back, causing her to clench her butthole and run. All the while causing her mouth to be open, and her to reach for her back. Appearing like a dragon.
John: "I pulled a Roving Dragon on Jenna last night!"
Troy: "Sick!"
A fire breathing vagina, which is indirectly or directly the result of dragon fist. A "spicy" vaj, from contact with spicy food etc.
Shes got some dragon vaj on 'er!
Given that the dragonfly is the most bi-curious of all God's creatures, the act of dragon-flying involves a bi-curious young man observing like-minded individuals with the desire of coupling.
Brian got a little tipsy at the club last night and started dragon-flying on all the guys there.
A sad, wilted foreskin, caused by having too little of your foreskin removed at birth, resembling that of a dragons beard depicted in ancient Japanese paintings.
Dude, how long has it been since you've scrubbed that dick jacket? That dragon-beard's so stanky i can smell it from the kitchen.
Informal, n. Heroin. When smoked.
Going to get some tinfoil my good sir? I've a large rock of the Chinese variety, we can partake in some dragon smoke.