The nasty bitch you hate the most that is getting curb stomped while taking it in the ass.
Yeah that gutter slut just licked her lips and grabbed my boyfriend's dick right in front of me.
to roll only gutter balls while bowling
emily: i suck at bowling
catie: i could see from the way you gutterize
V. To bring a conversation down to its lowest ethical denominator.
Polititicians quickly gutterize the political dialogue.
The signature trough or "gutter" that contains an additional serving of glazed sweetness that has been carved into the top of a meatloaf.
Robert's signature glaze gutter significantly enhanced the sweetness of his famous "meat-candy" meatloaf.
To be so intoxicated that all motor contol ceases and you end up passing out. Typically occurring on the roadside, footpath, or public park.
Barnaby was properly gutter munted last Wednesday
the nastiest of the street whores, the gift that keeps giving as in std's ... A female who makes the blue waffle look tasty in comparison
Shannon is a nasty ass gutter gremlin. she fucked every man in the city in one session for pocket change
1) of or relating to being consistently trashy in attire, vernacular, and body language.
See trashy defined for English-language learners.
2) of or relating to being inconsistent with popular perception.
3) careless of one's present circumstances
4) relating to hygiene of the subject
5) to be filthy like a street or rain gutter
a) Tasteless
b) Vulgar in nature
c) Undesirable
d) Attention Seeking
a) Guy: Ever since Hayley Williams of Paramore started going out with Chad Gilbert after the release of Bran New Eyes, she's been gutter material!
Girl: OMG! That is so true. lolz
b) Guy 1: What's her name I want to ask her out?
Guy 2: No dude she's gutter material
Guy 1: On the second thought. Forget what I just said.
c) Girl: If you say that again I will be so pissed.
Guy: Say what?
Girl: You are so gutter material.