Verb- The act of screwing up, acting like a tard, doing something utterly stupid while performing a relatively simple task, or getting pwned on a video game. People who Home Out repetitively are deemed Homers. Can be shortened also as Home or Homed. Common jargon among video gamers.
We were almost to the end of the level, but you had to home out and friggin fall off the friggin cliff!
Did you just home?
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An intelligent breed of pigeon with natural homing abilities. Although its navigational method is still somewhat of a mystery, it is thought to use the planet's magnetic field. They can be trained to return to home from hundreds of miles away. They were used in World War I and World War II to carry messages, some of which saved thousands of lives. Some famous war birds include, "GI Joe" and "Cher Ami." Today, homing pigeons are flown in a popular racing sport in which they compete from up to one thousand miles away.
Homing pigeons are released in Ohio and arrive home in Massachusetts the same day.
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Whilst fucking a girl from behind, you pull out, come on her back. When she turns around you pull out your trusty can of mace, spray her directly in the eyes. She will then grap her cheeks and scream "AHHHHHHH" similar to Macauly Culkin in his premier roll as Kevin McAllister in the movie 'Home Alone'
I was fucking this lady cop from behind, came all over her ass and then grabbed that bitches mace and gave her the Home Alone
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The fourth and final base in baseball (rounders in England). Getting to home base without stopping or being caught out is called a home run.
He needed to pee so bad, he ran so fast, reached home base, and ran straight to the bathroom.
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The eight keys on a keyboard on which one is supposed to place his or her fingers while typing: A S D F (left hand) and J K L ; (right hand). See also home key folley.
Most people don't use their home keys; instead they type with mainly their index and middle fingers roaming the length of the keyboard.
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1. What people called Personal Computers before they knew to call them PCs.
2. A PC that is kept at home.
Home Computers were made by Atari, Commodore, Timex/Sinclair, and Texas Instruments.
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Simply put, an upscale crack house, most often located in a wealthy neighborhood occupied by those who can afford, financially, not to smoke crack but do so anyway.
Darby: Broski, I would like purchase a baggie of rock.
Shannon: Suhweeet! We can flame it up at the Crack Home.
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