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What your Insane¿

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. January 13, 2022



Thats shows INSANE!

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. October 24, 2020


When a female says she will go insane and take you with her, she's really telling you she's gonna start whining more over sillier and sillier shit.

The clown girl is gonna try and make you insane.

by Solid Mantis September 19, 2019



Man, John sure is insane.

by October 14, 2021

1👍 1👎


I don’t know, I’m just living. Mentally ill, bill seal, will, deal, kill me ahahahah idk

“Her brain is fried! do you see she just says anything? She’s mentally ill and insane!”

by Mentallyillbaddie May 31, 2024



You are insane

by September 27, 2022

Bat.shit Insane

Best described as a mental condition that is completely and utterly completely. Absolutely fucking insane. To the point where as I'm reading this actual definition. I can only imagine someone with such a point of insanity in their mind..... That at some point they just stop interacting with everyone entirely and if anyone comes within like two distance feet of them, possibly even less. They will show you examples of why they are completely nuts. It will be very visible to someone who observes someone who is batshit insane.

Dude that person is bat.shit insane

by Not to educated February 24, 2022