Jamie Weber is an absolute bum fucking addict. He sure does just love the taste of greasy-ass dick.
When he goes in front of a mirror naked he loves the look of that grease just dripping down his belly button.
Oh how he lives for the sweet taste of his own grease.
Oooowee your such a little Jamie Weber
Jamie Shi is a very common name in Gale Ranch middle school. Jamie means handsome such as JAMIE Fox and Shi means Chick magnet in Chinese.
"Wow Jamie Shi, you are cool and gets all the girls!" Says everybody
A sweaty tryhard who watches fortnite videos and doesn't come at of his room
A wet willie of the bellybutton.
Bro they didn’t give you a wet willie did they? No worse I got a Moist Jamie
a mispronunced-funny way to pronunce Lebron James
person 1: omg look its lebron jamies
person 2: hahahahahahahahahahah so funny
A girl who goes to a small town in the middle of the corn state that only has one main attraction, the Windy City. She thinks she’s amazing because her family is rich and potato farmers.
and also for some reason tells people she’s 19.
Be safe out there boys, she’s a unique one
We all know about your purple monster account. You can’t hide from us. Jamie neumiller
He is trying to be the most popular person alive but everyone laughs when seeing him, might often be caught selling 20p cigarettes or smoking down Chatham. Often known for people to fight his battles.
Jamie C what a roadman.
Wouldnt mess with that Jamie C kid!