Source Code

Backseat Karl

When someone shits in another person's ass.

"Normally I don't do Backseat Karls, but $20 is $20"

by SoaringEagleVII November 28, 2022

Big Ole Karl

Similar to a Hot Karl but when you instead of hitting a foe at point blank rand you instead throw a poo filled tube sock from a distance of 30 ft or more.

I just hit Jared with a big ole Karl.

by Dygatron January 16, 2012

Lord Karl


I want to eat Dime/Lord Karl

by Randomius June 16, 2019


Slacker. To do very little or nothing at all.

Hey, look at Jason, he’s karling.

by VDub918 September 1, 2023



Look at Jason, he’s Karling!

by VDub918 July 3, 2023


Karling is to Bullshit someone or make up lies to cover up other lies.

Karl is known as the king of clusterfucks and always has an excuse for everything. He is lie about lies to get off the hook.

Dude, stop karling me and tell me the truth

by VegasJake May 31, 2021

Blessed Karl

A Blessed Karl is when you time a sneeze to violently defecate into your partner's face, and they finish the act by saying "Bless you". Similar to a Hot Karl, Warm Karl, and Cold Karl by involving poop, but somehow more Hungarian in nature.

I was trying to gift my lady with a Cold Karl the other night, but my allergies kicked in. It became a Blessed Karl. I'm single now.

by CAFFILNELL March 3, 2024