The best alternative band ever.
We saw the rail kits at last years company outing and they rocked.
Some stinky little cat very stinky very poopy. A very small kitten so small that they don’t fit in a sand bucket
Have you heard of Kit bucket!? Created by a very funny guy called polaq
actual feline of proportions that can be punted like a football
I'm going to punt kit bucket
Skill or lack thereof when performing a certain action.
Michael keeps spinning his rear wheel drive car in the rain because he doesn't have kit de unhas.
When you lift your truck to get more chicks.
Hey Brian you picking up anymore chicks with that lift kit.
Yo Sam you get high centered or you need a lift kit.
Yo Brian you must get alot of chics with that lift kit.
Hey Brian you picking up anymore chicks with that lift kit.
Yo Sam you get high centered or you need a lift kit.
Yo Brian you must get alot of chics with that lift kit.
A;) When Marty came back as Mary.
B;) Five finger discount, free is a lift kit.
C;) When you go to the lift kit doctor and come back as a name change.
Mary's lift kit is so good her audi just became an innie.
You need a lift kit on your audi or you might just get high centered.
Yo It's up and in.
Something you put on your truck to get more chics; When Marty comes back as Mary. Something you get done that lifts the DD's back up to C's.
Boy1: What's going on with John lately?
Boy2: IDK . Why you ask?
Boy1: All the girls are suddenly throwing themselves at him.
Boy3: Well have you seen the lift kit he put on his truck? Chic's dig it.