known as a wrong nigga. The antonym of a right nigga. A nigga that is wrong in all cases. The mindset of a left nigga is left therefore is the opposite of right which makes them a wrong nigga. Usually ugly w/ the "wrong" personality. Mostly used by women but used by men when describing a wrong or left friend.
DeVaughn: women deserved to be treated like the scum on my shoe
Danielle: man you a left nigga
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the act of using LEFTS in conversation or story telling.
"Yeah, his story was really cool but I could tell he was throwing lefts the whole time"
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Left-crafting involves the normalizing and popularizing of the Left's ideolgy at the expense of and marginalizing of the conservative right.
Here's the new term people, for what Don Lemon is doing... it's going to be referred to from now on as "left-crafting". It's what the left obsessively spends all it's waking hours
Left-crafting involves the normalizing and popularizing of the Left's ideolgy at the expense of and marginalizing of the conservative right.
They are always trying to create a false equivalency attempting to coalese a majority of people under the
false pretense of moral authority and the greater good. They claim they have the moral high ground. The typical ruse of the greater good being "climate change", humanitarian compassion, "ending racism", etc. Don Lemon knows damn well CNN is extremely liberal, as is MSNBC. But he wants you to believe CNN is what normal folks watch. Only extreme MAGA REPUBLICANS, those hoodlums on the extreme far right, watch Fox news. Don knows he's full of crap, but he can't help himself from "left-crafting"
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Thing that goes totally numb after beating the fuck out of your dick so god damn hard.
I beat the fuck out of my dick so god damn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb.
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The state of profound mental derangement that results from adopting the world view very commonly referred to as "left", "leftist", "socialist", "marxist", "communist", "brain dead", "stoopid", "collectivist", "pro-tyrant", and all other synonyms.
Since he became left-demented, my friend Jimmy has demanded everyone call him "Janey". Tragic.
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The Political Left is a side of the political spectrum on the scale of political beliefs, they usually tend to be more towards freedoms in the market, the economy, the social structure of the world and other social issues. It draws many similarities to Islam, as their are some of the Greatest people to ever be in a political spotlight, and there are also some terrible people that should just stop trying. Divided into 2 sects
Sect 1: Dems- The Dems, or Democrats, are people that usually believe in hard work and equality. Originally started as the working mans pony of racism and oppression, evolved into a force of good for the society of America
Sect 2: Extremists: The extremists are a 'blanket' of people on the scale. Although they label themselves with good people, they are often the most unstable and dangerous people to ever debate an issue. Profoundly made up of millenials and church outreach groups outside of the Midwest, they refuse to accept facts that don't agree with their political psych
Obama and Bill are great, But Hillary is a Demogauge for the Political Left. Not good, she fits right into Sect 2.
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-Heart Broken , None exsisting , Nothing
There is no Left Nad Anymore.
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