Source Code

Ma da

A word used by toddlers when confused as to which parent he/she would like to call.

Ma da cookie?

by Shawah December 27, 2008

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yer ma

a northern irish version of "ya mum".
The normal reply to it would be "aye, yer's ma's ma"
or "smell yer ma"
mind you, the conversation ( if you could call it that) could also start with smell yer ma, depending on what mood you're in.

me - "yer ma"

you - "yer ma's ma"

me - " aye, smell yer ma"

and so on...

by emmaelizabeth July 31, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Winchester, MA

Winchester is an interesting suburb to the northwest of boston, about fifteen minutes away on the commuter rail, and home to a shifting teenage demographic which varies over time between independent and friendly and alcoholic and hateful, although the alcohol is pretty consistent, as is the jockness, but as much as they change they're always just the same as their parents - rich.
Some interesting people have appeared here, though.
Slang is unique. Most words end in izzy. Worthless people are called vus. Like if someone starts a fight, freaks out, backs their car really fast into someone they don't even know's car, then drives away, people will call after him "vuuuuuuuuu" before bolting from the Winchester Police Department. Or is someone gets heartbroken, and sends naked pictures of his exgirlfriend to her future professors at the college she's planning to go to before she gets a restraining order on him, the community will have labeled him a "vu" by nightfall.
Very critical town. No one knows where this old tradition comes from.
Come visit! Exit 32b on 93!

I lived in Winchester, MA for nineteen years and wasn't forced to deal with too many vus.

by lifelongwinchester October 5, 2005

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Acton, MA

a boring pointless town with nothing to do. Everyones rich and they hate CC (Concord-Carlisle) and are always critizing them when they don't even notice that Concord and Acton are almost exactly the same. The only difference is that Acton has way more druggies and drug deals go on daily behind the bowladrome. A dark sketchy place where you feel like you are gonna get raped or kidnapped.

P.S. we believe u cant spell loser without LS standing for Lincoln Sudbury.

Example 1: Who's that gay kid. "He's from Concord"

Example 2: Who's that awesome kid? "He's from Acton, MA"

by dsfghrjhfgdg November 27, 2009

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Ma Ha

Thanks / Thank you / Ta /

Icecream man - Here you go
Dave - Thank you
Jed - Thanks
Gregg - Ma Ha!

by Gregg Riley January 21, 2008

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Yer Ma

A comeback Insult used by High school Kids in Scotland.

Oh aye? Weel, so's yer Ma!

by numpty October 6, 2003

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sherborn, ma

a town of losers and sheep fuckers

Jesus Christ he fucked a sheep! He must be from sherborn, ma

by sherborn sucks January 30, 2008

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