Answering a quoted question with another quote.
“ i used the Hyde method on my homework We had to respond to a quote on how money solves your problems so i replied that ‘Mo money, mo problems’”
repeatedly say no to a hoebag that has a crush on you but you hate this person
I used the broken record method on her
Stimulating oneself sexually before partaking in a long distance running event so as to increase ones testosterone levels and thus, run faster.
Tom: Hey, where's John?
Steve: He's in the bathroom using the Parini Method.
The Wheezy Method is a strategic approach stemming from the popular SHAS METHOD} some critics may even say its a 2.0 version that revolves around creating a sense of anticipation and excitement by showcasing the promise of exceptional songs on the horizon. This method employs various tactics, such as targeted marketing campaigns, captivating advertisements, and exclusive previews, to generate hype and build up expectations among music enthusiasts.
However, the Wheezy Method often leads to great disappointment as the released songs fail terribely to meet the expectations set by the initial hype, leaving consumers with a sense of false hope
Did you see that fundraiser lacking Hype? They will surely use the WHEEZY Method
Eating an entire chocolate cake while watching Netflix on Valentine's Day.
Who needs a Valentine for Valentine's Day? I had plenty of fun by the Bronwen Method. BronwenValentine's DayValentineNetflixChocolate Cake
When you impregnate a women out of wedlock - wait months tell anyone. Then announce the fetus and propose at gun point.
Boy Jared sure did The Lewan Method to Angel.
The method of obstinately trying to prove your right even if you are completely wrong just to prove a worthless point in an argument.
When you say a word correctly but in the wrong context, you are using the Renz Method.