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A large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence, usually protestors.

He was mobbed by autograph hunters.

by #Anonymous Potato November 12, 2018


Miserable Old Bitch

Look at her, she looks like a MOB

by Moe74 December 21, 2018


Mob is a term used in skateboarding to describe a trick that looks awful because the person forgot to ollie.

1. Bro did you see his Mob kickflip?
2. Yeah bro that shit was horrible how does he forget to ollie every time?

by Randumb1010101001001 October 7, 2020


One bad ass motherf*****. Very intellegent and has got the looks of a Model. He is absolutely hilarious and will crack you up with his facial expressions. Often plays Faustball like a pro and sometimes has girl problems. He is a memelord and likes his cat and his friends are the coolest crew on earth.

Dude: A life without a Mobs is possible, but meaningless.
Other dude: True that.

by yoloswagger69420360 June 4, 2019


Miserable old bastards. Ex. Don't ever let a mob tell you what to do and what to be in life.

My neighbor is a mob. She wants me to sit at home and be quiet. Imma egg her house #fuckmobs

by Anonymous babbyyy March 27, 2022

Mob Abuse

When Mobrack on the Mushypolter discord server is abusing his power even after he was fired and banned for that.

Man, Mobrack just muted me for saying fuck you when he said it first!
Thats 100% Mob Abuse.

by Pcydunim July 7, 2024


Wild-mobbing the action um herr. wild zu moben indem man sachen wie: "wild geh nach hause sagt

Person 1: "Wild geh nach hause"
Person 2: "Höhr auf mit dem Wild-mobbing"

by Shadow UwU November 11, 2021