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Kunt Muffin

Noun: Similar to Cunt Muffin, the notable difference being the "K" which changes the word from a horrific insult to a loving term of endearment.

Often used to describe a friend who has either made a silly mistake or recently done you a favor.

It is also important to note that when calling someone a Kunt Muffin it is usually a good idea to specify that you are using the complimentary form of the phrase to avoid confusion.

Carly: Jane just bought me shoes for my birthday!
Sam: Aw, that is so sweet!
Carly: She is such a kunt muffin!
Sam: That isn't very nice!
Carly: No, no I mean a kunt muffin with a K.

by CraigHayger October 28, 2013

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Skut Muffin

A cross between a skank and a slut.

Damn did you see that skut muffin? What a whore!

by pcmojo November 13, 2009

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burnin the muffin

This happens when a man and woman have high velocity coital relations, thus causing severe friction burns on the woman's vaginal region.

"Why you walkin' like that?"
"Me and Joe was burnin the muffin last night."

by Han Fastolfe June 29, 2009

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devil muffins

a term used to refer to the small, budding breasts on the chest of a wannabe vampire-goth-punk type.

Check out those devil muffins on Carrie!

by Michael? August 26, 2005

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Chink Muffin

A derogatory term for an adorable asian.

White guy: How's my little chink muffin doing today?

chink muffin: ...Fine

by Thepowerofjewjew March 4, 2011

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Frost the Muffin

When a male prematurely ejaculates on a females genitals before he can make it into her vagina.

She was so hot, and had me so horny, I went to put it in, and squirt, I didn't even make it in, all I could do was frost the muffin!

by ckeliib June 4, 2009

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bum muffin

Another term for a bagle, used mostly by people with a dislike towards them.

Why are you eating that bum muffin?

by eZsteve February 1, 2007

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