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A word that you can't define on this website because we don't want to offend anyone right? It's funny how people will throw a fit over this word but how many definitions are there of the word "White trash"? 43+

I guess you can't really have an opinion on this website if the Niggers are going to complain.

by A. Marie May 13, 2005

12πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


There is a distict difference bewteen a nigger and an african-american. A nigger is black person who wears things like du-rags, bandanas, huge baggy pants, and shirts that are 10 times their size makeing themselves look like clowns. They talk like scumbags saying things like "pop a cap in yo ass". Niggers like to call themselves "gangstas" when really there just a discrace to the people who revolutionized the gangster culture. Some examples of theses ridiculous nigger gangs include bloods,crips,folks. All they do is fight and kill eachother because they have nothing else better to do. They disturb and try to put fear in the general public. Overall these peices of shit have no respect for society whats so ever. They have their own genre of music called "rap" where they talk about meaningless bullshit. Rap isnt considered real music by alot of people.

An african-american is a black person who is the exact oppisote of the above. They talk and dress normal. They can be some of the nicest and careing people. I happen to have some african american friends and they have great personalitys.

" Man i hate niggers, they come into our society and spread all their negitivity. If they want to do that than they should just get the fuck out of here and go back to africa".

by edwin123 May 26, 2007

155πŸ‘ 399πŸ‘Ž


To work really hard.
Strenuous work.

Mom calls son.

Mom: "How is work going today hunny?"

Son: "It sucks, I've been niggering all day."

Mom: "I've got cookies and milk waiting for when you get home."

Son: "Peace the fuck out."

by no interviews April 12, 2005

31πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


As having "niggeritis", a direct allusion to the laziness of Africans or west Indians.

That boy has niggeritis all he does is lay around all day watchinng tv & sleeping.

by tomas jones May 26, 2005

88πŸ‘ 217πŸ‘Ž


An person (not just a black person) who drives a crappy car with huge chrome wheels, has many kids all with different mothers none of which he knows, is perfectly healthy but has no job, is on Wellfare and listens to a variety of hip hop artists.

Redneck #1: "You know what I hate"
Redneck #2: "What"
Redneck #1: "A god damn nigger"

by bamaboy16 June 17, 2010

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Any person who thinks they are a gangster. This includes people of all races, not exclusively Africans Americans. The individual can be an actual member of a gang, or just a person that dresses like a gangster and thinks they are "all that."

That teenager thinks he is gangster tough and acts like it too, he is a nigger.

by Bobby Sean April 2, 2008

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A word in the urban dictionary whose tags and definitions out-number the definitions listed for its antonymic counterparts (e.g., honkey, cracker, devil, blue-eyed demon, rapist of cultures, etc.,) because the group of people they are making an attempt to distinguish are not so full of hate as to sacrifice time, energy, thought, and attention to defining, or developing, a concept that ironically defines who and what THEY are.

"The American people have always been anxious to know what they shall do with us... I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! ... And if the negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! ... your interference is doing him positive injury." ~Frederick Douglass

Kramer’s use of the word β€œnigger”, during his show, infallibly described his level of poise, tact, composure, professionalism, and integrity with his response to the hecklers in the audience.

Red Neck in Pick-up truck: Go back to Africa niggers!

Passerby1: Who are they talking to? The blacks in the Mercedes, or amongst themselves?

Passerby2: I don't know. I can't tell which is which.

by dapster October 31, 2007

20πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž