Another word for pause. A word used when someone says something that sounds gay and nobody says no homo.
Al alternative for no homo
"Mike that shirt makes you look good, no diddy"
Ramses - yoo you tryna play cod later today?
George - yea ima hop on tonight no diddy
Ramses - pause..
No Diddy simply is like another slang word “period” or another word for “no lies”
“omg your hair eats deownnn”
“really? thanksss”
“No diddy 😛”
No Diddy is the magic phrase men utter when undertaking task that are gay, so that they may ward it off.
When a man sucks his homies dick, he must always say no homo, or both will become third level mega gay.
I once got sucked off by my homie and he forgot to say it. We now have two kids.
It’s pretty gay.
Bro 1: Yo bro, goodnight
Bro 2: Night bro, (kisses forehead)
Bro 1: Bro!
Bro 2: No Diddy.
Bro 1: Aight bro.
synonym of "no homo" a term frequently used within a group of straight males to assert their heterosexual identity whenever any one of them has made a statement entailing his homosexuality. An important quality of this declaration is that it has the effect of negating/overriding any previous statement made, no matter how incriminating.
i put these boys into position no diddy