The LaBrant Fam are the best YouTubers ever. They have the cutest 3 kids. Their channel was originally called Cole and Sav. Savannah LaBrant is very inspiring. They have a book too. Go follow my fp for them: @labrantfamforeverfan on TikTok.
Panjeet: hey! you wanna play among us?
me: no I have a new YouTube video from The LaBrant fam and I'm gonna reread their book for the 7th time :) :)
The Swim Fam is a group of swimmers often seen as annoying and arrogant. They often spread drama that revolves all around one person. This Group often accommodates some swimcest.
They are so annoying and stupid, they must be a swim fam.
What you say when something is lit and you are referring to your fam.
Jim:Have you seen the new superbowl?
Jim:fam it's lit
Legend says that halal fam was a group of friends who shared memes and laughter until a tragedy happened.
People were shipping 3 pair of friends which lead the 6 people and 1 third wheel to make a group called the gaga gang. One day, one of the members of gaga gang (alif baikal) was bored and decided to make a dumb family tree. That family tree consisted of 16 people including the members of gaga gang. So he decided to make a group chat and named it halal fam.
The members are: alif baikal, alyssus hannah, gurwindow, Michael, rheonk, ㅎ오유, mehamilf, aleedaddy, ario, chef yan, zak, evanka, varushine, subinic, zamirbaby and arwoman
One day, one of the admins named alyssus hannah turned evil and with her sidekick fluffer, she ended the group by murdering them mercilessly.
Today, the group remains a history as one of the most non-halal groups to have ever exist.
Michael: let's have sex
ㅎ옹ㅎ: okay but where daddy?
rheonk: in halal fam baby boy
Parker Riley’s fandom the sweetest fandom with lots of big ideas who would do anything to make Parker happy!
“Hey do you follow @parkerlriley on TikTok?”
“Yeah why?”
“Well then you’re apart of the bestie fam!”
stimulating female genital area with extreme force.
using the vagina like a jar of mayo
Boy 1: "how'd ya get on with that girl last night?"
Boy 2: "lot of power-famming mate."
Boy 1: "Did she bleed?"
Boy 2: "Only a little, I've had worse!"