An entity that is "owned" by ex Twitch streamer Jshlatt and could cause the end of time if messed with.
Oh shit, the pope is glowing red, we're all fucked.
An absolute monarch of Vatican City (An actual country), who is trying to scam you into Christianity.
The pope is asking me to become Christian, otherwise he will use God and Anime to strike me down.
Run for your lives, the Pope wants more Christians!
He is the master of molesters. No drunk uncle can ever rack up rape numbers as much as he can.
"The Pope did anal with me last night, he told me if I suck real good, God would splatter me with his love"
When your homosexual tendencies make you taste and slap your own face with semen
I heard he gives himself the pope slaps his face with his own semen”
Someone who is a fool and forgetful
Uggh there goes the Pope of Simps again
verb, the action or behaviour used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.
Did you hear about the new guy down the street? He's a poper apparently: he tried to pope Sandra's kids.
Pausing mid-stride and using muscle power to retract a stool further into one's rectum.
"Why'd you stop?
Just pulling in the pope."