An owl who is really funny and chill af
Yo look at that funny owl man. He straight vibin
jeremy's least favourite cup
description: a mug with owl print all over
victoria: *takes a sip from the owl mug*
A Roblox player who specifically despises Deepwoken with no particularly good reason. They probably hate it through seeing too much of it or as the word suggests, wiping at The Depths for the first time then quitting and hating the game afterwards. You can commonly find this creature when you mention or reference deepwoken in a community outside of its fanbase.
Guy 1: *posts a deepwoken meme*
Guy 2: man go back to midwoken bitchass mf dump your unfunny shit somewhere else
Guy 1: nigga stfu you're probably that goofy ass nigga who hates deepwoken with all their heart just because you got gripped by an etrean guard at your first 5 seconds of playthrough and then wiped to a sharko at the depths fucking owl wiper.
One of the oppositions to Smurf Cat and Strawberry Elephant. Originated in 2023 on TikTok
Person 1: Have you seen the battle between the Smurf Cat and the Pineapple Owl?
Person 2: Get the fuck off tiktok for once in your goddamn life and do something productive.