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It's someone that murders indians n ugandans. They have absolutely nothing to do with plants. So if you came here to look for a standstill plant, well, you are away from luck.

I saw a Plant earlier today. And it is a human! How can this be? Well it is not a plant, it is a Plant. That Plant should die!

by FlAnZuRu December 3, 2022


Someone the needs constant attention.

Samuel can't stop texting I hate that plant.

by cryoment October 29, 2017


A magic device that pro duces breath power

Guy 1: what is that

Guy 2: it's a plant

by Flimsy Jim September 25, 2020


A person who sprouts up sometimes like a plant and always brings funny and great memories with them; talented, awesome, funny people!

I appreciate plants, they can really liven up conversations!

by berry_xi June 29, 2024


"He's talking about my wife and kids bro that's my hard line"

Hym "Fuck your wife and your kids. You cock suckers need to remember that you're already halfway across my line and the price us going to be paid by someone other than you. You're going to toss someone else's kid into the furnace so you don't look like a bitch for letting someone talk bad about your kid. You're already a bitch. You were crying like a bitch a second ago. You're not fooling anyone. You're not going to get me to do whatever it is you think needs to be my response in this situation. And the audience need to start working on forcing this fucking industry plant out of the fog."

by Hym Iam May 19, 2024


Very funny with the ad. But YES Alex. Your video about Wes Huff IS more akin to what I did to Jordan Peterson and what you (collectively) are doing and if Jordan Peterson had done what you just did he wouldn't be crying like a bitch every day and I wouldn't be dying of brain fluid.

Hym "Which is BY DESIGN, by the way. That is the entire purpose of what he is doing now. THAT is more like what I did than what he is doing now and what he is doing now is intended to mirror what I did and does not. And do you want to know the difference? Do you want to know the difference between belief and non-belief? I was explaining myself and he is just repeating the things I say and miming my style. And is the problem with him. He doesn't understand the difference between things. You're still a plant but you're correct! That's probably what he should have done."

by Hym Iam January 11, 2025

Crop Planting

When in a pool or any other kind of large body of water; a girl walks by another person and has her period and then moves on while the other person is usally unaware of it.

When Corey ducked under water Shelby got her period so she desided to go crop planting and crop planted Corey when he was under water.

by Even C. June 12, 2008