Similar to a donkey punch only when you're having sex with someone from behind instead of punching them in the back of the head you use both hands and punch them on each side of the head simultaneously in a Donkey Kong fashion. Warning this will sometimes cause them to lose consciousness and lose control of their bowels, however it always results in a very tight clench of their muscles resulting in an amazing orgasm for yourself
Right as I was about to blow my load I gorilla punched her she clenched so hard I thought she'd break my dick off, she was out for a while so I took her TV and laptop, I would feel bad but she thinks my name is Jason so it's all cool.
A Sunshine Punch is the act of forcing fruit, mainly pineapple's, in someones anus by punching the piece of fruit in question.
Shit, I heard Gary got sunshine punched by Steve on the weekend!
Can't believe that chick got possum punched by a dwarf!
Shut up or I'll possum punch you!
Elizabeth Punches is one of the best and most proficient American painters in the United states. BFA from Virginia Intermont College in 2012. She now lives and works from a small versitle public studio downtown Galveston Texas, after obtaining notoriety across the United states for her unique painting techniques and eccentric personality. Punches work is highly sought after across all of America and southeast Canada, with several gallery owners noting, "she sells every thing she paints." She is a quiet person and loves living in the peace of a tiny American sandbar with her beloved dog.
Who does that painter over there think she is? I mean, she's good, but she's no
Elizabeth Punches.
The opposite of bitch-slap. Performed exclusively by women, the object is to break a nose.
Get away from me or I'll dude-punch your ass!
An alcoholic punch spiked with Xanax by sorority girls, in secret and at random.
Generally for sorority-only events and parties.
Often a means for fellow sisters to seduce one-another.
Lesbian orgies have resulted.
O.M.G who made the sister punch last night?!
I don’t remember anything after Emily brought me to her room LOL!
To hit an opponent in the eye with a closed fist encasing a ritz.
I just hit that cracka with a cracker punch. Cracks is layed out with some ritz dust now.