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RIP Bill

When hoes wildin’ and get caught cheating on you with her friends younger brother.

Ray: aw dude did you hear what happened

Cole: Yee man rip bill
Steph: fr rip bill

by Coledavis50 August 25, 2019

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Rip Rot

A situation in the trouser department (specifically crotch) where the fumes from rippage or parpage have deteriorated the structure of the fabric to such a degree that rot has set in

My trousers have been ruined by the dreaded Rip Rot

by Clifford H Boost July 11, 2008

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

rip ass

to fart so bad, u can actually feel the ripping of your colon shredding away. can also mean a really loud fat.

"holy crap" (fart)

"dude that was some major rip ass"

by ♣ACES HIGH♣ June 15, 2009

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Rip a toot

To pass gas.

hey bro did you just rip a toot?

by olivierman99 December 14, 2010

Nice Rip

1. The polite way to compliment someone on his or her act of flatulence.

2. An expression used in response to someone farting.

3. A general phrase used by another person in response to an accidental release of gas, in order to eliminate embarrassment of the person who farted.

"I was talking to her father when in the middle of his story he blasted major ass"

--"What did you do?"

"The only polite thing to do, I told him nice rip and he finished his story"

--"Well, at least you scored points by using your manners"


by Tkish23 August 20, 2009

Ripping Time

The time of a person's life where they are in the process of getting seriously fucking ripped

Bro 1: Hey bro, wanna go get some ice cream?
Bro 2: Nah bro, it's ripping time.

by iambubbathedog May 3, 2011

Rip and Release

When you catch a fish and blow a bong rip into its mouth and release it into the wild.

In Alaska its very common for stoners to grab salmon with their bare hands and shotgun weed smoke into a fishes mouth then release it back into the water.

Hey bros, want to hit up the lake tonight and do some rip and release?

by Pete the wizard October 3, 2020