Source Code

Vienna Steamer

This is a variant of the classic Cleveland Steamer:

When the genetic stock you are trying to build cannot be constructed due to lethal or subviable combinations of chromosomes. At some stage during construction of the desired stock, the lethal combination will be observed as an absence of certain predicted genotypes. This will appear at first as a violation of Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment and make the geneticist feel like Gregor Mendel has just defecated on his or her chest. As Mendel lived and worked in Austria, this above-described scenario is known as a "Vienna Steamer."

No, in the end I couldn't make that stock. I got a Vienna Steamer when I tried to collect double-balancer females.

by piledhigheranddeeper May 6, 2010

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weiner steamer

when a chick takes a poop on your weiner when doing her in the butt.

Dude, i was goin to town on this chick in the butt, and she took a weiner steamer all over me.

by MPU 2071 December 11, 2007

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kentucky steamer

When a female places her partners testicles in her mouth for an extended period of time providing warmth and comfort-particularly pleasing on a chilly day prior to oral sex

I came home after a long cold day on the golf course and red gave me a Kentucky steamer

by Ftfking March 19, 2016

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Baustin Steamer

A boston steamer where the main perpetrator is someone with the first name Austin.

Jeez, Austin committed a massive warm Baustin Steamer on his chest.

by hergaderps April 15, 2011

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cleveland steamer

Quickly heating the female orifice to be used as a fornication semen receptacle. Best employed rhetorically.

Microwaving or boiling a synthetic female orifice for life altering masturbation.

After she saw him the the first time last night Steve seemingly could do nothing to arouse her. After blowing smoke up her ass he tried the cleveland steamer to make her receptive to his planned penetration. Smoke, steam, cajoling... none of these would distract her from laughing about his penis.

Bobby read on the interweb the gelatinous tube with the tight tunnel would feel as good as fucking the orifice of a real woman. Not bothering with the instructions he boiled his masturbation toy to "heat it up for that realistic feel". After he returned home from the hospital he never gave device assisted masturbation another thought even after the skin grafts to his penis fully recovered. His parents gave his internet connection the cleveland steamer treatment with PfSense.

by PassionTrain August 29, 2012

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Stanley Steamer

Stanley Steamers may be performed when you are at a friend's house to visit (eg. for a LAN party, etc.) but he's being a *very* shitty host, so you proceed to pull your pants and underwear down and rub your bare, nasty ass on one, very concentrated spot of his bedroom carpet. If he's being a particularly flagrant ass hole, proceeding to the rubbings of his bed sheets, pillow cases, and/or other miscellaneous personal belongings may ensue.

Kurt was completely ignoring all of his guests, so Chad proceeded to giving his carpet a thorough Stanley Steamer, though this wouldn't be the first time...

by sso33 December 20, 2008

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Detroit Steamer

see Hot Carl.

When a person takes a dump on another person's face. The dumpee may or may not have saran wrap covering their face.

We decided to do something different, so I gave her a Detroit Steamer.

by a guy February 21, 2004

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