the word your grandma uses when she is mad at someone.
Watery shit commonly found in homeless camps along storm gutters, often picked up by restaurants for use as sauce
That four star restaurant serves street mustard with their pretzels!
shluuuuurpp scheweeeelugsh glug glug sptptptptp scheeeeulp lplplp schwwap scheeeeuwp pspspshwuup
“hey can you get me a drink”
“sure man”
passes cup of water
“why is it so thick and yellow takes a whiff smells like…”
“bro it’s mustard water”
proceeds to bend them over
“scheeeelup slluuurp schwpspsps schelughshsh”
Monkey Mustard is when you fart so hard you shoot out globs of shit. Similar to shart.
Becky: -LOUD AGGRESIVE FART- (also sounds bubbly, and sounds like when you squish flarp.) Keisha: OOoo girl you definitely just shot out some monkey mustard.
When someone with very yellow semen ejaculates onto your face
Dude I got Mustard Flicked by Daniel the other day...
When you find a midget with ghonoria bring it home and pass it around the table and shake and squeeze until all of the slop falls out of the dick or I shaved pussy
Can you “pass the mustard please” hehehe
Pass the midget around the table
A white person with arthritis who chugs mustard in order to dull the pain.
“Oh Susan is such a mustard chugger”