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Dont reject this admins

A sentence in which thousands of other no lifes have used to try and get on the urban dictionary page thing but have been rejected like this one is as I am currently wasting my time.

Person1: Dont reject this admins

Admin: Fuck off

by waterdude01 August 23, 2019

Annabelle Rejection

When you reject a boy by accepting his offer and never scheduling. This can be done when someone is always “busy” when someone wants to hangout. This is a polite way to reject someone, but is also mis-leading. The person rejecting does not need to be named Annabelle.

“Man when I asked Annabelle to hookup she said she was down. Now whenever I ask her to hang she says she is busy.” “Dang man thats a hard Annabelle Rejection right there.”

by abellec October 30, 2020

Rejected Urbandictionary word

Some serious shit. Like really serious.

Person 1: My urbandictionary definition got rejected.
Person 2: How in the fuck did you get a rejected urbandictionary word!?
Person 3: What was even in it?
Person 4: 6!
Person 5: HELP ME!
Person 4: 5! NO!
Person 1: Racial slurs, it had racial slurs.
Person 2: Why the fuck would you submit that!?
Person 1: Because it's urbandictionary! Their guidlines mean less than I do to society!
Person 3: He has a point.
Person 2: Don't defend him.
Person 6: 4! HELP!
Person 4: HELP ME!
Person 1: Will you shut the fuck up!?

by fwefff December 5, 2024

Rejected Ejected

When you get rejected and ejected from the friend zone.

Bro… (9Pedosom)
Yeah? (7Pedson)
I got Rejected Ejected(9Pedosom)

by Α March 10, 2022

micro rejection

The experience of disappointment when a small statement, action, or gesture goes unacknowledged... especially exacerbated by the social media age

Guy 1: She didn’t answer my text for 2 hours but she just posted a story on Instagram
Guy 2: dang man, that’s a micro rejection

by Andy Taylor March 20, 2021

awkward bitch reject

When UrbanDic rejects your words
Kelly Wiglesworth

awkward bitch reject
Like they're thinking you have a hard booger in your nose.

by Young Jazzy Yo December 1, 2023

Rejecting comma use

Saying ''No'' when someone asks you to use a comma is a sign that u shit yourself.

It goes as shown:

Rejecting Comma Use.

P1: ''You should really use a comma; I dont understand what you're saying!''
P2: ''No''
P1: ''Oh! Did you crap your undergarments?''

by tastychilde March 13, 2023