An alcoholic drink consumed to start/maintain a buzz until such time that more alcohol is available.
Its a 30 minute drive to the party, does anyone want a safety cocktail?
A beaner's pre-cum that winds up in your hotdog that you ordered from sausage frank's party house.
"SHIT, I got a bean cocktail in my 50 cent hotdog"
"Damn Joe, thats better than this bullcock that's in mine though."
A glass of water with a booger in it
I went to Warsaw and asked at the lobby bar for a Polish cocktail. The bartender just filled a glass of water, picked a booger from his nose and swirled it around in the glass.
an alcoholic drink that is consumed while en route to another location. This is usually drank from a plastic cup to be thrown out when you arrive at your destination.
Jeff didn't want to loose any drinking time, so he had a walking cocktail on the way to the bar.
Someone who's only lets their racism show after they've had a few cocktails
After 3 margaritas Mike started droppin' the N-word left & right; guess he's a cocktail racist.
When someone uses the tip of a circumcision as a shot glass
Yo did you see drink that Jewish cocktail
A tweet posted to kick-off a targeted hacker attack, start a firestorm of controversy, or incite a flame war.
This term is derived from molotov cocktail, a low-cost firebomb popular among revolutionaries. A molotweet cocktail was posted by @Anon_Operation on Dec. 8, 2010 as a call to fire denial of service attacks against Mastercard and Visa in retaliation for their withholding of card-holder donations to Wikileaks. Once the molotweet cocktail was posted, a barrage of attacks brought down the cardholders in 3 minutes flat. Using Twitter to recruit volunteers, @Anon_Operation shared an executable and instructions to allow Twitter users to join the bot-net attack. This was the first time in history that civilians voluntarily enrolled to join a political internet war with such major global impact.
A less incendiary form of molotweet cocktail is posting flame-inciting tweets like "Why don't all women just get boob jobs already?"