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He ain't Kobe

Refers to anyone doing anything and still not doing it better than Kobe.
(see nba live)

"Did you see ray allen hit that three?"
"He still ain't kobe"

"Mello just smashed on the boards"
"He ain't Kobe"

by RappersaurusX June 12, 2009

13👍 4👎

He's Just better

Something you say when you lose to a guy in a video game, even when you have every possible advantage.

Guy: There is literally no way he can win the bomb is planted and it's 5v1
Enemy: *Clutches*
Guy: What the fuck cheats
Guy #2: There's no way, he's just better

by reepieces October 2, 2020

He is one hp

When you play Fortnite and your enemy killed you, you should tell to your teammate “He is one hp” (one hp ≈ 1-200 hp). If your mate won’t kill him you should say I fucked your mother, you are fucking noob

Oh no! He is one hp, kill him!

by LVmk10 December 6, 2021

3👍 1👎

Mikey Way He

This is a fan made curse by the Instagram user under the name @frank_ieros_low_e_string who has seen a recent spike in popularity lately among mcr Instagram due to their mcr bingos. This curse when muttered Mikey Way can turn any poor soul who hears the words " Mikey Way He" into a carbon copy of Way.

*Gerard makes Mikey upset*

Mikey: Mikey Way He
*bright lights start flashing and then all goes dark*
*Gerard is now a carbon copy of Mikey*

by falloutboyistheworstbandever November 30, 2020

nah he tweaking

the inspirational words of lil nas ex

Tony Hawk is selling skateboards infused with his blood for $500 each“ “nah he tweaking”

by ronnilol August 26, 2021

He pulled a Mathis

It is in reference to Otis Mathis, Chairman of the Detroit School Board, who was fondling his private parts for 20 minutes and then unzipped his pants while ejaculating in his "hanker'chief" while meeting with the Superintendent Teresa Gueyser.

"He pulled a Mathis" wile in the classrooom despite being ill discipline to maintain a focus on education and was anxious about taking a test he knew he would fail.

by Apres97 June 19, 2010

He’s one hp

This phrase is used when your teammate(s) lose a battle and try to act like they did somethin’. When in reality, they got shitted on and didn’t even hit them.

He’s one hp!

by Kanami...... December 22, 2020