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Put an egg on it

direct translation: "Get the fuck out of here", used when expressing disbelief. Also used when a false statement is made in a disrespectful manner.

Matt: I am the nastiest baller on the court.
Cody: put an egg on it

by RobAa December 13, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Egg Bok

More a feat of strength than a sexual act. A woman assumes the horse-stance position and inserts a raw egg fully inside her birth canal. The man (usually) sits cross-legged in front of her with complete concentration. After proper chi is harnessed, the man will strike one blow to the woman's taint (space between vagina and asshole). If this is performed correctly, the egg will break within the womb and only the yolk will ooze out, fully in tact. This is very similar to the Dim Mak (touch of death) in the hit Jean-Claude Van Damme movie, Bloodsport.

After much practice, young Methusula was finally able to egg bok his soon-to-be-bride in front of the entire village; proving his worth and skill.

by Steve Jouflas January 15, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Googy Egg

An egg boiled for 3 mins, so it is soft in the middle, to eat with a spoon

I had a googy egg for breakfast

by scule May 19, 2016

36๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

egg sack

egg sack = exactly
a bit random. people will wonder what you are talking about
can also be said "eggs"

1: FTW!
2: does that mean For The Win?
1: "egg sack"
2: what??
2: eggs!!!

by ChaKwa January 21, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cracked the Egg

Specific point at which something goes wrong, just as in the phrase, "jump the shark."

(Derived from Lady Gaga's Rotten Egg of a Grammy Appearance.)

The night was great, but cracked the egg when Jill decided to throw up all over those children.

by Creeparella February 16, 2011

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egg dance

a blindfolded dance while surrounded by eggs

I did an egg dance last night!

by Anonymous March 11, 2003

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egg in a bum

a gentleman whis is an egg in a nest but has homosexual tendencies, hence he is an egg in a bum

cor look at baldy julian with phil there, a right pair of shirtlifter, i bet he's an egg in a bum!

by davethejag October 23, 2007

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