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TREVOR IS Fuckin rich

by September 16, 2020


Trevor is the best guy you will ever meet. He'll make you feel more special than anyone else and is the most amazing guy ever.

Trevor is my everything

by shyannnn November 20, 2019


An envious lanklet creep who would rob his own mother to get his hands on 2 cents. Usually broke and bitter, most likely a low iq sociopath. Do yourself a favor and stay away from Trevor.

Trevor loves the pb&j from the Cooke county jail.

by Dontbjealous69 May 2, 2023


a kid who thinks he is cool but is a asshole

i hate trevor

by Dominic61803 May 1, 2018


he is amazing and has a big d

thats a trevor

by trevisbest October 12, 2018


Trevor Philips, one of the three protagonists of Grand Theft Auto V. The most insane one out of the bunch, he's famous for having a perchance of wanton violent outbursts, and with an alleged interest in cannibalism and dressing up. Is also an "entrepreneur" by being the founder and boss of his drug and arms smuggling businesses, Trevor Philips Industries. He has a special ability of being immune to bullets and melee attacks for a brief amount of time.

It's Trevor motherfucking Philips, sweetheart!

by ashnigga98 May 9, 2020


Trevor is a bad bitch, even though he’s still a real nigga

“Aye you know Trevor?” “ Yeah why?” “That nigga is a bad bitch.”

by Young.Slime dick May 24, 2019