When u dip your dick skin in chocolate butter and stick it up your wifes queef hole and she yells holy shit fuck me again Jonny you got me
That bitch is getting the banana turd u got me
when your toilet isnt working and your turd spins continually in a vulture-like motion
guy 1: dude ur toilets busted
guy2: what do u mean?
guy 1: well u got a major turd vulture in there...
guy2: wow...
When you drop unnecessary, unfounded, negative ideas or concerns in a conversation ... and then fail to provide any evidence or specificity to explain your negativity.
Why doesn't Bob KNOW FOR A MATTER OF FACT if we are compliant ... and if not tell us WHERE we are failing ... instead of just coiling doom turds in the middle of the floor!!
To exchange poop between two assholes by means of gaping and possibly tubes
Dude, I heard they were turd tubing last bight. Gross
To play Flappy Bird whilst doing number two's on the toilet.
'I'm going for a Flappy Turd!'
Any Primate That Deficates Log Of Shit That Wete Cooked/Prepared Inside The Primates Stomach/Intestines.
Look at those hot chicks eating over at that corner table. They are going to cook up some nice turds with that pepperoni pizza. That's why we call them Turd Cookers.
Another name for a ‘flamer’. A guy that wont shut up already about the fact that he's a homosexual and he wants the world to know it...but everybody knows and they are tired of hearing it. Also, a flamer bent on converting a straight guy into a flamer.
You'll stay away from that Turd Stuffer if you know whats good for you. He swears up and down your a flamer too and he's bent on hookin up with you.