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rosedale, victoria

Rosedale, victoria is a very small town between Traralgon and Sale.

Rosedale,victoria has some small shops, but its main attraction is watching all the hillbillies sit out on their front porches weaving their body hair into quilts. They get a lot of tourists there, mainly only as a gesture of curiosity. Most of the men have long, red hair, no teeth,long beards and no clothes on. The women bear a striking resemblance to the men, except they have tits. All in all it is a strange, spooky little town. One has to wonder how the shops stay open considering there is no money in being a hillbilly. I think they mainly rely on kind folk from Traralgon and Sale to provide for them.

Hillbilly Man : Oh my god woman, we got some of them rich cunts down here.You think they will give us money?
Hillbilly Woman : That depends how quick you can weave your chest hair.

Hillbillys flock to rosedale, victoria

by City Folks September 13, 2007

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Pull A Victoria

When you get McDonald's as payment for allowing two men to run a train on you.

I'm so hungry I could pull a Victoria for some mcnuggets

by Lovemaker24 March 17, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Victoria De Angelis

Slang for a beautiful, talented and hot woman with incredible playing bass guitar abilities

Veronica it's amazing! You lookin like Victoria De Angelis today ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ’–

by rykstormurinn September 16, 2021

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Ford Crown Victoria

The Ford Crown Victoria was first introduced as a luxury trim package on Ford LTD's in 1981. It became it's own model in 1983 and became very popular with Senior Citizens, Police, Taxi companies, and other fleet use. The boxy body style is probably the best ever, and was made until 1991. In 1992 an all new Crown Victoria was offered, which featured round aero styling. It was rounded out even more in 1998 (it's last restyle), and by the 2000's the full size RWD sedan had completly fallen out of favor. Majority of sales were for fleet and police use, and the Crown Victoria was discontinued in 2011.

Ford's making a huge mistake discontinuing the Ford Crown Victoria. Cabbies and Police need a large car like that.

by Metalhead83 December 4, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


she's the hoeee of school attetion seeker fake friend

you a hoe victoria

by austrialian girl October 23, 2019

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Victoria sponge cake

When you creampie your girl on her period and watch the juices flow out then getting to close her legs and placing a cherry on cheek resembling a Victoria sponge cake.

Yo bro last night was mad, I gave my a girl a Victoria sponge cake I felt like Mary berry afterwards shit was perfect

by USERnameUNsaid May 27, 2017

494๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

victoria smith

is a phrase used to describe a booze bag. She eats men for breakfast and drinks vodka for lunch. She'll roll over if you tickle her tummy.

im just having a few... really? Well i'm getting smashed victoria smith style! Expect some drunken calls.

by sugarpie2a5 February 6, 2010

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