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angel wings

during sex when the bottom scratches the tops back from shoulder blades to the end of their back. this can resemble a pair of angel wings.

last night this girl gave me a nice pair of angel wings.

by orb bpm March 16, 2018

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Chicken Wing

Similar to the high-five, this is the act of bumping elbows with a friend, family member, acquaintance or co-worker so as not to spread germs via hand-to-hand contact.

Moe: Hey buddy, great game! High-five!
Carl: (lifting bended elbow) Chicken wing, I just washed my hands.

by newyears81 July 3, 2010

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Death Wing

When the Bat Wing is used to shut a bitch up after receiving head

Kid 1: Shit.... The Yeti Just got the DEATH WING from Nick!
Kid 2: (Gags) Ew gross. She's turning blue!

by DSK January 22, 2008

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red wings

1) Engaging in oral intercourse with a woman who is 'on her period'.

2) Synonym for greenhorn.

2) Man#1: Man, I was so close to getting laid with that girl, but I choked and lost it!

Man#2: You need to stop being such a pussy, redwings.

by DesperadoXD May 12, 2005

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Bat Wing

When your ball sack gets stuck to the side of your leg, generally happens when men sit down and are sweaty.

You sit down, and you can feel your ball sack stuck to your leg. You might say to your friend, "i've got bat wing".

If heard by some forign people, they , may assume that you are calling your ball sack, bat wing, because it is black and hairy, like a bats wing.

by Gandi, the shrivled raison August 15, 2008

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Wing Kit

Wing Kit is one of a kind. If you ever go out with a Wing Kit, you will always feel like you rule the world...like a princess. Never will they ever do anything to hurt you. Wing Kits always have the best personality. This guy will treat you right with respect and kindness. He will never get out of your mind...no matter what. If you're in a bad mood he will always find his way to cheer you up somehow. Whenever your around a Wing Kit, you will always get butterflies in your stomach, and not be able to stop smiling. Wing Kits are extremely funny, smart, sexy, trustworthy, honest, and loyal. If you ever have a chance to date a Wing Kit take it. You will have the time of your life with this guy, hands down. He's always looking into having a good time with you. To guys, he is the brother you wished you had.

Wing Kit is the man of the situation.

Have you seen anyone named Wing Kit here? It could make my day better.

by WK999 July 11, 2022

Wing Worm

The noodle like slime that squeezes out of a birds (most noticeable in turkeys) primary wing feathers when plucked out during butchering.

Iโ€™ll give $50 to eat that Wing Worm

by BodgeyBomb96 November 18, 2018