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the prettiest boy to exist he's perfect and there's nobody out there that could compare to him
his name already speaks for itself so he's already unique in every way possible he has the loveliest set of brown eyes and every time i look into them i get lost his hair is so brown and cute i just wanna run my fingers through it his voice is my favorite sound and i love listening to him talk i love the way he smells and i love hearing his heartbeat he treats me so right and he really makes me the happiest girl alive there's nothing else i could ever want more than him and his love i love his touch and the warmth he gives me i feel peace most when im with him he never fails to make me smile and laugh he's my happiness and i love him with everything i have he's perfect to me and i want to spend all my days with him i wish he'd know just how much i love him because i want to be with him forever and never have to leave his side

im gonna marry him one day

i love you sandis <3

"who's sandis?"

"the love of my life"

by dementedcat October 2, 2022


a sweet guy who will make anyone laugh. someone you love with all of ur heart and will never let go.

I Love you Sandis

by tbhhellooooo November 22, 2021


A real magnetic woman because of her secretive side. Everyone is lost and confused and thirsty for more of her personality when she leaves. An alluring type who is one of the best artists who spends all of her time at the beach. Best type of woman to have kids with because she loves them and all their special gifts.

Look, it's such a Sandi!!! That person over there who is feeding the seagulls in a hot pink swim outfit....

by Hexxah July 31, 2022


A truly beautiful man, derived from the Greek name Alexsandros
Always a fortnite cracked gamer
Eats children for brekky

Sandis is so fucking fit i wan to eat his ass and shiz

by Poggers Man 24 February 28, 2022


1. A lying shitty lazy hoe that says they have finished watching Voltron when they have not, causing you to end your friendship with them.

2. An unstable human being that gets SHOOK easily.

3.Bad life partner

4. bad at listening always bites her finger

Sandi: I actually haven't finished the episode, I got too lazy

You: friendship ended.

You: *slaps the roof of Sandi* This lying shitty lazy hoe can fit so many SHOOK's inside them

by SHOOKSPEARED August 13, 2018

sandy peach

When a girl is at the beach and when she gets up she has sand on her ass

Look at that beautiful sandy peach over there

by Smegma696969696969 July 13, 2015

Sandy's Microphone

Perhaps one of the worst sounding things ever discovered by humanity. Rumour has it that it can't be used without echoing everyone's voice at least 5 times and that several people have suffered PTSD from it.

"Oh my fucking god what's that noise"
"Don't worry its just Sandy's microphone"

by The_Discord_Gang July 9, 2021