When you give a nice guy a chance and he lets you down, biblically speaking. Waste of time, unsatisfying sex.
“When it’s not the big hulking meaty burrito you were craving”
Stacy: How was your date last night?!
Stacy’s mom: Total shrimpy shag..can’t believe I let him inside the house (and me). He just seemed soo nice! Sorry girl, no step dad for you.. yet.
a horny teen that wants to play minecraft
guy 1-yo, you want to shag
guy 2-yeah i've been meaning to go on minecraft
Another word for sex. Usually used by British people.
I'm going to shag my girlfriend
British slang for sleep
Em: om gonna go take a quick shag
Eli:so am I I'm shattered
What lewis does to georges sexy mum
Maria: Lewis do u want to shag
Lewis: yes bend over and let me smash your asshole in, then i will penetrate your punani and give u a russian flashbang
Maria squirts litres and lewis cums in her eyes and claps her ears repeatedly
- someone who made the plans but they don’t follow through with it themselves.
-someone who agreed with plans but doesn’t follow through.
“Wow gang, you gon shag me like that?”
“You shagged me getting game last night”
“I thought we was supposed to (get fried/go out), you shagged gang”
“Merch you real sog”
Shags is the British way of saying presents most commonly used when referring to shagmas which is the British term for chistmas
There’s lots of shags underneath the shagmas tree