Source Code

Alcohol Provision Act

A national legislation established in Canada in 1964 that prohibits the sale of any alcohol products on every Tuesday of the week. All bars must legally remain closed to pay tribute and remembrance to the lives of Mounties past.

Don't road trip to Canada on a Tuesday because the Alcohol Provision Act says you can't drink.

by CanadianExpert May 26, 2014

Alcoholic Baptism

A ritual of drinking Alcohol while claiming it is being used to Baptize oneself during prohibition in America , which is becoming popular again in Teenagers who use it as an excuse to drink when their Parents don't allow drinking.

Dylan D'mallu is the leader of the new Alcoholic Baptism Campaign

by Yoloswagster May 20, 2014

Accelerated alcoholic

Someone who drinks an extreme amout of alcohol daily.

Jon is an definitely an accelerated alcoholic.

by DamPam July 8, 2019

Alcohol Tuesday

A reason to drink on a Tuesday so your not an alcoholic.

Friend A: “Why are you drinking on a Tuesday, I’m concerned you’re an alcoholic?”
Friend B: “Nah bro it’s alcohol Tuesday, and tomorrow is alcohol Wednesday.

by Italian Anakin Skywalker June 15, 2024

Medical Alcohol

Alcohol that is consumed to treat a "medical condition" such as anxiety, difficulty sleeping, shyness, or restlessness.

I couldn't fall asleep last night so I had some medical alcohol - a few shots of vodka did the trick!

by Four Loko Frat Guy October 5, 2023

abolish alcohol august

Abolish august alcohol is the ultimate challange for alcoholics and eastern europeans
Rules:No alcohol its simple

Plecase dad just stop drinking

Is that russian guy in abolish alcohol august?

by Ani gucci November 7, 2018

alcohol abyss

An abyss that pulls an individual with it's inertia into alcohol consumption.

I could not get over the alcohol abyss that I was pulled into.

by doodling July 23, 2011