A response suitable for multiple occasions, usually when the person who said it is annoyed.
Many consider using this as either annoying and immature or a good comeback.
Tread cautiously when using this as a reply.
- Dave: Dude, I can’t believe you don’t like Marvel. Who doesn’t?
- Leo: Did I ask?
- Miranda: Dang, roasted!
- Dave: Bro, I was just asking. Jeez.
When someone says basically anything to you, you reply “Did I ask?”
“Yo I got a new car “
“Did I ask”
“I got a 100 on my test”
“Did I ask?”
The easiest way to annoy someone. Just say did i ask to someone whenever they say something that doesn't matter.
Synonyms for Did I Ask are :
Who Cares?
Did i ask for your opinion?
So what?
Crazy, but i don't remember asking.
Who? Cares.
Guy1: Bro i just went to Russia!!
Guy2: That's crazy bro, but Did I Ask?
Guy1: :|
Guy1: STFU U little shit you have no family you little racist bitch you go die in a hole >:( you suk at mincraft go touch some grass >:((((((( Racist whore you gay n***** go die i hope you becom homeless and die from starvation and have ligma type 5 stage 4 dieseaseeeee!!! rACIST NOOB GO GET A LIFE QW0FUIW-0 GIWEGM'IPKLJ EORJ OJKONUlio i hate you go away you noob n*****8 fjwefiwjego; racist racist begone thot bitch fuck you go to hell and commit suicide i will break your niko niko kneecaps you racist whore go away get a life and a job then die in a car crash!!! >>>::((((((
Guy2: but Did I Ask
Guy1: *disappears from the face of Earth*
ask the girl you have been talking to for months to secure that deal
get that girl and make it official
hey, did you hear? its national ask the girl you've been talking to for months.
It is? no way. I'm about to make it official.
National ask a girl out day(s) October 4-6
Give it a try
(Josh) hey are you going to ask out Emma today is national ask out a girl day
(Richard) yea Iam doing it
(Richard) will you go you out with me ?
(Emma) yes I would love to
To ask someone out is to invite someone to come with you to a place such as the cinema or a restaurant, especially to start a romantic relationship.
You should choose someone to ask out, Mike.
A person asking way too many questions at a time.
Hey, bro, why are you so askful ?