One who attains a motorcycle with the intent to get attention. Mostly associated with Harley Davidson owners and riders. An obnoxious motorcycle.
did you see daves new attention cycle? obviously its working since were talking about it.
im tired of that attention cycle speeding up and down the street.
Associated with the need of getting an obnoxiously loud motorcycle to draw attention, mostly associated with those who own and ride a Harley Davidson. A person on people who want more attention and solve this by obtaining a motorcycle.
Being at a complete stop on a motorcycle and revving the engine to annoy and draw attention from others in the vicinity.
Did you see Daves new attention cycle? I guess its working since we are talking about it.
That attention cycle rider is really grinding my gears speeding up and down the street.
Bestow attention is the type of attention you give to your bestow. Like when your bestow is SO bored, and they ask for bestow attention you better listen up and pay close attention to only your bestow. Give your bestow your undivided attention and just make a time consuming convo. Ask questions, play truth or dare, or do whatever you want, just give your bestow attention
Only acceptable when asked by your bestow... so give some bestow attention
Girls who brag about drinking in hopes to get attention; Usually through social media sites such as Facebook.
Really, Another status about drinking? She is such a Attention Drunk
Someone who always craves for attention and do anything for it. Like spreading rumours, gaining sympathy by exaggerating health conditions, etc.
Kamla is an attention digger.
attention issues is someone who leaves the person in a room by themselves and wants to go with you and be all over you.
please don’t leave me i have attention issues. i will cry if you leave me
someone who is left alone and wants to be around you and wants you to pay attention to them
i want you to play with me i have attention issues