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Baller Dunker

To Try to make a hoop while, a female try’s to get your balls in her mouth while you’re trying to dunk. After you hoop and fall the female, will try to get your balls in her mouth and suck them. - Eli Ramos

Hey Jack, did you hear Jake gave Stephanie a “Baller Dunker”.

by Polosofsj October 2, 2023

baller massage

Unique term for intercourse/sex

Michigan Rapper 1: "Took tha lil hoe to the cut, the garage, then I bent tha bitch over an gave her a baller massage"

Michigan Rapper 2: *actively making bank 📃

by TheHardtest June 8, 2022

w2 baller

A person who flaunts money during the months of February through April and mooches off of others for the rest of the year.

Person 1: Yo you heard James copped that new whip?

Person 2: The 2007 Benz with 150k....? He's a W2 baller. Just last week he asked to hold a couple dollars for a chopped cheese. Smh.

by 23T_Duratec_XR January 11, 2017

Barracks Baller

A Soldier in the Army that has a car equal to or greater than x3 his or her salary and resides in the Barracks(on base housing).

Private Gonzalez: Hey, wanna go to McDonald’s for lunch?

Private Snuffy: Nah man, I’m broke until the 15th.

Private Gonzalez: Dude, you need to sell that Nissan GTR. You’re becoming a Barracks Baller.

by MO5KI October 18, 2018

Boomer Baller

An old fart with money, no personality.

Settle down, Stephen, you boomer baller. We left the gold standard decades ago.

by Bigus June 1, 2021

baller house

A mansion that is well deserved by a man in uniform who spends many months underwater in a nuclear sub. Way to go!

Damm Brett. You have a mansion. A truly 2020 baller house!!

by Uncle Christian November 29, 2020

baller house

My nephew just bought his first house. This house is like a MTV mansion.

Damm Brett your a true baller now!! Your place is a baller house!

by Uncle Christian November 29, 2020