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rally beard

The beard you start growing until you reach your ultimate goal and can't cut it off until you get there.

Brian Wilson's rally beard keeps getting longer until he wins the World Series of Baseball.

I'm growing a rally beard until I earn $1m dollars.

by DjScratchWrecked'Em October 3, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bearded Clam

Sea Food,Louisiana delicacy

The best time for clams is early in the day, but the Bearded Clams are so good, you need to see a dentist for a hair cut

by spikenstein January 4, 2004

448๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anal Beard

when your ass is inundated with fur, that, no matter how hard u shave, it keeps cuming back... also, it is imposible to wipe your bum clean. nice

George Anal Beard BUSH

by Harriers Mad January 21, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby beard

When a man attempts to grow a beard but his facial hair is so thin and inconsistent, it's as if it were a baby beard

When I told my man I liked facial hair, he decided to let it grow but all I see is a baby beard!

by GlazeHer April 22, 2015

6624๐Ÿ‘ 4576๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit Beard

1. Disastrous facial hair.

2. Phrase used as an expletive to describe the owner of said faical hair.

3. Aftermath of administering a rim job

See also: chin squig, bum fluff, bunting, goon features, W. G. Grace, Robin Cook, The Blunkett, Spinoza, crumpet head, croon muncher, toffee cheeks, Malcolm Glazer

John shouted at Nick 'Oi, Shit Beard! Shave you twat!' As Nick was the owner of a preposterous chin squig, he relented and consented, to much jubilation.

by Beans v The G May 19, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bearded Mesquito

The unfortunate male disorder where the penis is one quarter the circumference of a #2 pencil. Usually in the case of this "Micro Penis" the shaft has been covered with pubes just under the mushroom cap of the penis.

Girl - "You got to be fucking kidding me...!"

Guy - "What?" (as he stands there with pants around ankles)

Girl - "Ummm your dick looks like a bearded mesquito."

Guy - "Fuck you, most chicks think it's cute."

Girl - "It may be cute, but it's useless to me as I can get off better using a half eaten wet triscuit cracker on my clit"

by dangchicago April 17, 2009

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Black Beard

Noun; When a guy goes down on a girl that has left her tampon in for way too long and gets the tampon strong stuck in his teeth. He then proceeds to shake his head vigorously, in a panic, to free the tampon from his teeth, thus resulting in massive amounts of old black blood splattering on his face creating a "Black Beard".
In most cases a "black beard" can be avoided by recognizing the rotting odor coming from within.
Remember sniff first!

Rex was about to go down on sara when he remembered rule #1: Sniff First. Rex avoided a "Black Beard" by the hair on his chinny chin chin.

by Patty Mayonnaise the 2nd November 29, 2011

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