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when you make a deal with spamton g spamton YOU WILL BE A BIG BIG BIIIG BIG SHOT BUT FIRST you have too buy a commemorative ring first see YOU there haahahahahhahhahahahaahahaha

Hey toby are YOU a big shot yet


by gbbgfdgbdbsd October 15, 2021

64πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

big bubba

A dude you wanna make friends with, so he doesnt fuck you in the ass

Hey bubba, Ill give you a carton of cigs if you stick to the 49s and leave me alone

by ..... January 18, 2004

359πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Big Gae

A person or a thing composing of several people that expresses the gayness of all gays.

T-series is the big gae.

by Plan Ree November 25, 2018

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

big fax

A definite fact

β€œThat girl is hot” that’s a big fax

by Deathina_deathina March 5, 2018

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

big tech

Refers to large technology companies that have significant impact and even control over elements of our daily lives. Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft. Also Youtube(owned by Google) Netflix, Whatsapp (owned by Facebook), PayPal, Twitter, Spotify and Tencent. Big tech is watching you and selling your data to advertisers. They control what you see and hear online and can sensor anything they don't agree with. They filter search engine results to cater to their agendas and ideals. They want you sign up to their monthly subscriptions and use their payment services. They want you to have a digital ID (ID2020) so they can track your every move, medical history and social credit score (Black Mirror - Nose Dive) etc. The only way to escape big tech is to go off-grid.

Person 1: Big Tech will take over the world.
Person 2: It already has.

by 1Head November 10, 2020

22πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

big gae

A person who shows immense amounts of homosexuality

Californians usually have the big gae

by RyanIsSOOOOOOOOGAY666 May 3, 2018

22πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Big gay

It’s a thing that you get for buying the fort knight battle pass.

Aj has a big gay
Wyatt has a big gay
Together they are big gays
Aaron does not have big gay

by Snoopwetten July 12, 2018

84πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž